Data Attribute Types and Filter Operators

Metadata Attribute Types and Filter Operators

The metadata types and attributes are built into the system, so user self-definition and configuration are not supported.

See the table below for each metadata type and its built-in attributes:

Metadata Type Built-In Attributes Attribute Type
Data Source name string
Hive Table name string
DTV Service id, name string
Fileset id, name, file type string
Metric No attributes /
Business Term No attributes /
Measurement id, name string

The type of all metadata attributes is string. Optional operators for filtering by object attribute are shown in the chart below:

Operator Meaning
= The attribute value is equal to the entered condition value
!= The attribute value is unequal to the entered condition value
contains The attribute value includes the entered condition value
ends with The attribute value ends with the entered condition value
starts with The attribute value starts with the entered condition value

Master Data Attribute Types and Filter Operators

Master data types and attributes support user self-definition and configuration. For more on master data type creation and attribute configuration, see Creating an Object Type.

  • When the master data attribute type is date, optional operators for filtering by object attribute are shown in the chart below:
Operator Meaning
< Date is earlier than the selected date
> Date is later than the selected date
  • When the master data attribute type is string, optional operators for filtering by object attribute are shown in the chart below:
Operator Meaning
= The attribute value is equal to the entered condition value
!= The attribute value is unequal to the entered condition value
contains The attribute value includes the entered condition value
ends with The attribute value ends with the entered condition value
starts with The attribute value starts with the entered condition value
  • When the master data attribute type is double, float, int, or long, optional operators for filtering by object attribute are shown in the chart below:
Operator Meaning
= The attribute value is equal to the entered condition value
!= The attribute value is unequal to the entered condition value
< The attribute value is less than the entered condition value
> The attribute value is more than the entered condition value
<= The attribute value is less than or equal to the entered condition value
>= The attribute value is more than or equal to the entered condition value

Tag Attribute Types and Filter Operators

Tag attributes support the user self-definition and configuration. For more on tag creation and attribute configuration, see Tag Management.

  • When the tag attribute type is date, optional operators for filtering by tag attribute are shown in the chart below:
Operator Meaning
< Date is earlier than the selected date
> Date is later than the selected date
  • When the tag attribute type is boolean, optional operators for filtering by tag attribute are shown in the chart below:
Operator Meaning
= boolean value is true/false
!= boolean value is not true/false
  • When the tag attribute type is string, optional operators for filtering by tag attribute are shown in the chart below:
Operator Meaning
= The attribute value is equal to the entered condition value
!= The attribute value is unequal to the entered condition value
contains The attribute value includes the entered condition value
ends with The attribute value ends with the entered condition value
starts with The attribute value starts with the entered condition value
  • When the tag attribute type is double, byte, short, float, or int, optional operators for filtering by tag attribute are shown in the chart below:
Operator Meaning
= The attribute value is equal to the entered condition value
!= The attribute value is unleequal to the entered condition value
< The attribute value is less than the entered condition value
> The attribute value is more than the entered condition value
<= The attribute value is less than or equal to the entered condition value
>= The attribute value is more than or equal to the entered condition value