Protocol Gateway Resource

Protocol gateways in Device Onboarding enables users to use third-party system protocols to access EnOS for dynamic modeling and asset management in IoT Hub. Users can either use the third-party system protocols as they are, or define their own process for two-way conversion of third-party system protocols to EnOS standard protocol.

For more information, see Protcol Gateways.

Resource Application Scenario

You need to request for the Protocol Gateway resource before you can start a protocol gateway.


The maximum number of resource instances that can be applied for under each OU is 1.

Resource Specification

The Protocol Gateway resource can be requested based on the computing unit (CU). You can request the appropriate computing resource according to the complexity of the device protocol logic.

Specification Allocated Resources
Computing Resource 1 CU = 0.5 Core CPU + 2 GB Memory. Available options are 1 - 100 CU by default.