Data Subscription

The data subscription service enables data to be actively pushed to an application that consumes it, rather than waiting for the application to call the API to obtain the data through repeated polling. As a result, data subscriptions improve the efficiency of data access, and EnOS Edge’s data subscription service provides an SDK for applications to efficiently subscribe to the following types of data:

  • Real-time device data
  • Basic asset alert data
  • Edge device configuration change event data
  • Asynchronous control result data

The flow of the EnOS Edge data subscription service is shown in the following figure:



The EnOS Edge data subscription service is primarily used for applications developed using the publish-and-subscribe model, and enables them to access data in near real-time.


The Features of the EnOS Edge data subscription service are:

  • On-Demand And Flexible Consumption: supports filtering subscription data by model, measurement points, and device tags
  • Cloud And Edge Applications Shared SDK: EnOS Cloud and EnOS Edge share the same data subscription SDK to avoid using two sets of code for cloud/edge applications
  • Visual data subscription configuration: Delivery engineers can visually modify the configuration New
  • Security: Supports the authorization of applications to obtain data as well as authentication application ID
  • Performance: In 2 cores 4GB memory configuration, max throughput up to 30,000 points per second for one topic, with expansion capability