Edge Container System

Based on Kubernetes and KubeEdge, EnOS Edge Container System can manage massive Edge nodes in batches.

The architecture of Edge container system is as follows:



  • Deploy / upgrade applications by version package
  • Manage edge nodes remotely
  • Monitor node resource (with Prometheus)
  • Node works fine with network disruption

Cloud-Edge Synergy

In the network scenario, Edge container system can manage massive Edge nodes in batches.

Edge Autonomy

In disconnected or weak network scenarios, Edge nodes rely on the local persistent database to run services by themselves. Edge nodes can interact with the cloud after the network is restored.


It is recommended to pre-deployed nodes before sending them to the site.


The product features of Edge container system are as follows:

  • Organize projects, applications, nodes and customers systematically
  • Create product version packages to ease deployment and reduce error rate
  • Provide batch deployment / upgrade functions for applications
  • Edge autonomous operation when there is network disruption

Key Concept


Pod is the smallest deployment units that can be created, scheduled, and managed. It is a collection of a set of containers, rather than a single application container. Containers in the same Pod share the same network name. View the Pod logs in the Pods container on ECS platform.

Edge Node

An Edge node represents an EnOS Edge computing device, such as the Edge IIoT Gateway and the Edge Extensive. It can be a physical or a virtual machine, which is used to run the edge applications and process data. Also, it can be in sync with the EnOS Cloud. Each Edge node can run multiple Pods.


A Deployment provides declarative updates for Pods and ReplicaSets (Pod Replication Controller) to control the number of running Pod. Set the resources for application deployment in the Deployment container on ECS platform.


A Config Map is an API object used to store non-confidential data in key-value pairs, including box.conf and lion.properties. Set the configuration information in the ConfigMaps container on ECS platform.


In Edge container system, version service is used to manage application images, deployment templates, lion.properties (function configuration) and startup dependencies. Using container versions streamlines the deploying process.

Usually, Edge version packages on Edge are created by EnOS Edge experts. You can just choose the existing version package directly.

The details of the version package are as follows:

Item Explanation
Version Press”New Version” to create the major version. Based on the major version, create the minor version.
Product Type Gateway single node, Extensive single node, or Extensive multiple nodes
Version Number According to the version naming rules, the format of major version number is X.Y.Z. The minor version number is created automatically by the system.
Description The description shows the version content and functions.
Configuration File Each version includes the function configuration of lion.properties.
Included Component Define the component to be deployed
Docker Image The image version related to the component
Application Template Deployment Template

Rolling Update

The rolling update is the publishing mode of the Edge container system. It is the process of alternatively upgrading the versions for the running Pods in a cluster one by one.