Record Sorter By Time

This stage sorts the records in each batch in ascending order by the /time field.

This stage does not support streaming lineage.


The configuration tabs for this stage are General and Basic.


Name Required? Description
Name Yes The name of the stage.
Description No The description of the stage.
Stage Library Yes The streaming operator library to which the stage belongs.
Required Fields No The fields that the data records must contain. If the specified fields are not included, the record will be filtered out.
Preconditions No The conditions that must be satisfied by the data records. Records that do not meet the conditions will be filtered out. For example, ${record:value('/value') > 0}. For the syntax of EL expressions, see Expression Language.
On Record Error Yes

The processing method for error data.

  • Discard: Error data will be discarded and ignored
  • Send to Error: Error messages will be reported
  • Stop Pipeline: The pipeline will be stopped


Name Required? Description
Quality Filter No Filter the data according to the data quality. Only records that meet the quality conditions will be processed by this stage.

Output Results

The output results of this stage are the sorted streaming records.

Output Example

Before sorting


After sorting
