EnOS™ Known Issues and Limitations

This article lists the knowns issues and limitations of EnOS, categorized by products and services.

Enterprise Data Platform

This table lists the knowns issues and limitations of Enterprise Data Platform.

Data Catalog

Issue Description Workaround Discovered On
Open API for searching data: atlas causes no value found when searching by Measurement ID. None 2021/12
The audit of hive tables will be occasionally out of order and repeated. None 2021/12
Import the same object repeatedly, the tag will not be overwritten and updated. None 2021/12
When creating a tag rule, an error will be reported when searching for the object type. None 2021/12

Data Synchronization

Issue Description Workaround Discovered On
The SFTP data source is unable to synchronize its structured data from the database to the EnOS Hive data warehouse. Use an FTP data source to implement data synchronization. 2023/12
The FTP data source using FTPS protocol is unable to synchronize its structured data from the database to the EnOS Hive data warehouse. Use an FTP data source to implement data synchronization. 2023/12

Enterprise Analytics Platform

This table lists the knowns issues and limitations of Enterprise Analytics Platform.

Issue Description Workaround Discovered On
After updating Enterprise Analytics Platform from 2.2 to 2.3, the original permission configuration is lost, causing users unable to use Enterprise Analytics Platform functions. Contact the system administrator to add permissions for the user. 2021/12