Refresh Access Token

​​Refresh the generated access token before it expires (the expiring time of the access token is 2 hours by default).

Request Format

EnOS Cloud API

POST https://{apigw-address}/apim-token-service/v2.0/token/refresh


POST http://{apigw-address}/apim-token-service/v2.0/token/refresh

Request Parameters (Body)

Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
appKey Mandatory String The access key of the application.
encryption Mandatory String The encrypted ciphertext. For more details, see Encryption Generation Rule
timestamp Mandatory Long The timestamp of the current system time (UNIX time, accurate to the millisecond), e.g. 1572574909697
accessToken Mandatory String The access token to be refreshed.

Response Parameters

Name Data Type Descritpion
status Integer The API request status code, with 0 indicating a successful request.
msg String The explanation of the status code.
business String

The business parameter:

  • EnOS Cloud API:apim-token-service
  • EnOS Edge API:edge-iam
data Data Struct The refreshed access token and its expiring time.

Data Struct

Name Data Type Description
accessToken String The refreshed access token.
expire Integer The expiring time of the access token in seconds, with an initial value of 7,200 (i.e. 2 hours).


Request Sample

url: https://{apigw-address}/apim-token-service/v2.0/token/refresh

method: POST

    "appKey": "5acb82e7-a11e-4300-9164-c8b20b638e8b",
    "encryption": "87c6885cec7525e2f219f86a82b280cc8c2d6ff4040a4b5f8acf9aeeda37aba8",
    "accessToken": "adsfwerasdfsdfasggaaf",
    "timestamp": 1572574909697

Return Sample

    "status": 0,
    "msg": "SUCCESS",
    "business": "apim-token-service",
    "data": {
        "accessToken": "Refreshed_Access_Token",
        "expire": 7200